Friday, October 5, 2012

Internship / Traineeship Front Office - Financial Management Los Angeles - United States

Company profile:
We’re in the global business of connecting the best possible employers with the best possible employees in the hospitality industry.
We achieve this by establishing long-lasting relationships and never putting profits before people.
In doing so, we rank among the world’s leaders in international hospitality training and career development.

Why our mission matters
A lot of companies paste their mission on the wall and then forget about it the moment they answer the phone.
For us, our mission is so simple because it’s what we live and breathe every day.
With our founders and so many of our employees having started in the field as career exchange employees themselves, we understand the excitement and apprehension that
comes with this process—from both sides of an ocean and both sides of a desk. We know that by tending to each individual we will build a company that not only grows good business, but also with goodwill.

Core Values
The following core values reflect what is truly important to us as a company.These are not values that change from time to time, situation to situation, or person to person, but rather they are at the heart of all that we do.
These values consistently drive our decision-making and communication. These core values are what make us different from other hospitality recruitment firms, because we take our efforts a step further.

Life Changing

Our focus is on exceeding the expectations of our candidates, our clients, and our employees by bringing a variety of cultures and work styles together in a harmonious match.
Our goal is to always be creating lasting memories, special relationships, and learning experiences that are life changing for those we serve.

We are passionate about what we do and we thrive on the relationships we create and nurture.

Our unique role in this industry allows us to pass on our enthusiasm, by bringing our diverse clientele together with the most dedicated and experienced professionals from around the world.

Passionate employees can only be inspired if we are passionate about the relationships and experiences we create each and every day.

Internship description:
Life-changing career opportunity in sunny Los Angeles High volume airport hotel is looking for talents who are interested in a RD experience in a international chain. Work on your career while enjoying this exciting part of the USA!

Specific wishes:
The requirements for this career opportunity are: 
  • Previous FO and Financial experience is essential.
  • This traineeship is for hospitality graduates
  • Good English communication skills is a  must
  • Other languages will be a plus
  • Visa fees bare by student
This traineeship is offered by a traineeship program company.
If you are interested please send your resume and motivation by E-MAIL  . We will forward it and the trainee ship company will contact you directly by e-mail or phone.